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Sam Perez-Wright saw the true value and beauty in every living thing. He lived and spoke and acted accordingly every breath he took.


Sam transitioned on 11/12/21 after a battle against not only physical illness, but also discrimination, multiple medical errors, and sentinel events caused by discriminatory, abusive actions from his healthcare providers.

He beat his addiciton to alcohol and was sober when he passed... but the scarlet letter on his medical chart caused his healthcare team to provide such terrible care that he died at their hands from their conscious errors. 

Most addicts and alcoholics die in the grips of their addiciton. We are failing them in most ways, especially in Sam's home town and state of New Mexico.  


This foundation, started by Sam's partner Whitney Perez-Wright and his family, seeks to create true change in healthcare through working in 3 different connected arenas: 


1) Sam's World works with healthcare professionals and organizations on a deep level, reviving compassion, creating resiliency, and educating them about how to not only provide culturally sensitive and best care to addicts and alcoholics, but also to truly care for themselves so they can do their work to the best of their ability despite the atrocius state of the global healthcare worker community.


2) Sam's world works with inpatient addicts and alcoholics. We are implementing programs, policies and connections that will provide patients with true comprehensive support from admission to discharge and beyond. 


3) Sam's World works with the community. Building cohesive systems so our loved ones who struggle with addiction can have everything they need to successfully get to and remain in recovery. 


We are collecting data and will

be performing studies to prove these things work, and plan to create evidence-based, concrete programs that can be duplicated in any community. 



About: About Us
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